
Mental Well-Being Anytime, Anywhere


Mental Well-Being Anytime, Anywhere

How Ketamine Works

Before you begin your journey to healing with therapeutic microdose ketamine, let's discuss what microdose ketamine really is:

A non-addictive, fast acting, low-risk treatment option for conditions like: anxiety, depression (even treatment resistant depression, stress, insomnia, COVID symptoms, sexual & preventative wellness, as well as countless others. Microdose ketamine is the biggest breakthrough in mental health in the last 50 years!

At lower doses, ketamine can move you beyond the superficial layers of your day-to-day mind, heal unhealthy neural pathways, and help you achieve the clarity you need to live the life you deserve. The anti-inflammatory effects of microdose ketamine lead to improvements in COVID symptoms such as brain fog as well as rapid relief for depressive and anxious moments.

Consult with us to see if you are a candidate for Ketamine therapy.

Schedule your Ketamine appointment