It's all
about YOU!
We treat women and their partners from adolescence through the golden years for routine preventative care, as well as for all manner of problem visits. We have state of the art equipment and training to attend to your health needs, with a focus on fertility and safe pregnancies, and on sexual and hormonal wellness for women and men. We offer onsite blood draws, hormone testing, and the latest in laser therapies. We are Colorado’s number one choice as experts in bio-identical hormones and pellet therapy.
We not only perform a pap smear at your annual exam, we provide comprehensive health screening each year you see us. We will refer you to highly trained physicians in the community for primary care issues as well as give you treatment options for the women’s health related issues you may be experiencing. We can draw your routine blood work in the office to screen you for many diseases such as high cholesterol, thyroid disease, kidney disease and much more.
Things To Remember While Visiting A Gynecologist
It is a common thing for people to want to get the check up with their gynecologist over with as soon as possible. Gynecology deals with diverse problems and any symptom even remotely related can and should be discussed. A few points that you need to keep in mind when visiting the doctor are discussed below.
- Please be open and honest during your visits, we are here to help you, not judge. If you don’t tell us, we can’t help.
- Discuss sexual dysfunction and urinary complaints with us. Many people are embarrassed about bringing up these issues. We have many treatment options available for you, so let us know so we can give you the options you deserve.
- Give us your complete medical history, including surgeries. We not only want to know recent events, but also your previous history that may not be an issue any longer such as asthma as a child or an eating disorder that you had as a teenager but not now. Something you may think not important can impact our decision making at your appointment now.
- Don’t wait till the end of the appointment to tell us what is really wrong, please let us know at the beginning of the visit so we can perform the correct exam and tests.